Friday, December 28, 2012


My time in elementary school was average. I went to a religious school in Georgia so when I stepped out of line there was definitely corporal punishment involved. My time  wasn’t great, but it wasn’t horrible either.
When I started 7th grade things took a sharp turn for the worse. My mom couldn’t afford the tuition for the Baptist church-affiliated school she wanted to send me and my brother to, so she made a deal with the Principal. I was told that I would be the janitor of the school and stay behind every day to clean the school for a couple of hours after school let out each day. This involved vacuuming, taking out the trash, mopping, dusting, etc. for a few dozen rooms in three buildings. I didn’t realize at the time how wrong this arrangement was. I was just 12 years old.
The other kids in school gave me a hard time about it at first, but when 8th grade started and I was still the janitor, they kind of eased up a little. Feeling sorry for me, I guess.
My relationships with my teachers was a little strained as a result of this arrangement as well. Sometimes they treated me like a student. Sometimes they treated me like an employee. Sometimes I felt like they were behaving toward me the way they would a colleague. At my age I was just confused by the whole thing, but definitely had the gradual suspicion that I was being taken advantage of.
Anyway, this went on through the end of 11th grade. As you might expect, I developed a great deal of resentment towards my Principal and almost all of the teachers in the school.
As an adult I have had to deal with a lot of what happened then, processing the emotions involved, getting over all the resentment and bitterness surrounding the situation. I think I’ve done a good job with that so far. But, in light of recent events, another aspect has been brought to mind.
Had there been, God forbid, the sounds of gunfire in the hallways or from other rooms in the building, I am confident that they would not have hesitated to bundle us all into the closet as quickly as possible to get us out of harm’s way. In fact, I am pretty sure that they would have laid down their lives for their students.
Maybe it’s time to let go off whatever resentments I’ve been holding on to for all these years. Those teachers that I had so many problems with so many years ago were just people trying to get by. They were just doing the best they could at the time.
Today, I can honestly say, I am grateful for all the teachers that I’ve had in my life. And, teachers everywhere, have my utmost respect and admiration.

Monday, December 24, 2012

in the lee

there is a key
that fits a lock.
the tumblers click
like the ticking
of a clock.
there is a time
that fits in between
what is mine
and where I stop.
there is a boat
that sits in a lake
fighting the current,
waiting for a dock.
there is a place
that we call home
no matter what we face
in the midst of our family
we can always feel alone.
the time to leave is before
the heart becomes stone.
for there is more than one key
more than one lock,
more than one face,
more than one clock;
more than one boat
looking for a dock.
there is time a to keep going on
and a time to stop…
there is more than one place
to call home.    

time out of mind

we count our seconds
add them up to minutes
mix them in an hour and
cook them into days.
disregard the signs that
point to yes. assess your
need for more days and weeks.
mind your own business and
find your blessings in months
and years. dis-enroll me from
your plan. you have tied
the hands on all my watches.
you are out of time. you have
bound the hands on all the clocks.
you are out of your mind.
we are not made of days…
our souls find their fair share
in the essence of forever and ever.
it is only our bodies that
mark the passage of time, you have
replaced the peace of eternity
with a restless intensity…
an insensitivity to the times:
you have no time,
you have no time left for me.
Instead of understanding, or
even listening, you have elected
to construct your own hell, and
it will be too late to find me,
when I am nothing but your
missed opportunity, a victim
of your malicious matrimony.                                  

Thursday, December 13, 2012


mind-numbing, body tingling
my whole system is still singing,
with the sudden vicious visit
of the Holy Spirit.

i am trembling and shaking, skin
sending shocks along tender limbs
bowing low
under the weight of ornaments…
church walls all vibrate
with memories
of the echoes of bells.

shoes shuffle slow through white powder
piled high on the sidewalk.
legs e x t e n d as we step past puddles…

as we increase the distance
from the place of peace,
the whispers,
the wisdom,
the freedom,
can still be felt
if we are hoping to hear it
if we are willing to listen.

