Friday, March 11, 2011

Betray II

The criticisms still echo in my mind
Like the rumblings of a runaway train.

Well-meaning words spoken out of turn:
"How long will i teach before you will learn?"

Teachers are not so much at fault
In a system that forces ideals and ideas
Into a pre-set mold.

The attempt to capture the restless
Aspirations of a poet's dream-desire
Is like:

Nailing a board into the ocean,
Fighting fire with paper,
Wearing glasses in a pitch-dark room,
Building snowmen in a Georgia-June,
and Chasing the Wind.

Men and women brandish their degrees
Like weapons, fending off all aspects
                                            of common sense.

Poems are maps, leading into each
Poet's own world. The rules and laws
Vary from country to country.

The teacher who undermines the faith of
One poem, denies the freedom of all poems.
They explain what would be or could be or should be,
And in the same breath surrender
The sovereignty of their own voice
                           their own throat
                           their own lungs.

The sun blazes out of a hard slate sky
And the pencil-thin branches sway
With hints of inspiration.
A poet's hope.

The critic runs needlessly, heedless
Of the true plan... the TRUTH
That is so hard to understand.

The critic remakes the poet's map:
Erasing mountains,
Shading in lakes,
Changing the course of rivers;
So that finally the meaning is
No longer obscure... is gone.


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