Tuesday, March 1, 2011


when you closed the door and came in to the room, you caught my eye. my eyes full of tears. you smiled asking me how my day was, not realizing yet how I was trapped, wrapped up in sadness like a scratchy blanket. pretending to be interested in a spot on my shirt maybe where the light green blends with the darker green lines then instersects red forming plaid, I look down. Then you see me. see where I am. see my spirit. and you rush toward me with heart and arms open, full of love. after being held by you for a while, my soul resting comfortably against yours, I am at peace. you say nothing. you know that no words are strong enough long enough to reach me.
we are not the two hemispheres but two poles north and south pulling at each other, almost strong enough to pull the world apart. Heat comes when we get closer. like the heat that comes from the sun which, although close has the sense to look the other way. and I felt this way. Once, when you came into the room and caught my eye.


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