There she is, he thought, red checkered
flannel shirt and white cotton t-shirt.
The red hair swings away from the set
porcelain face revealing glowing
green orbs of emerald fire...
and the eyes meet.
Blue and green mix in a sea of storms, a
Maelstrom. A ship plowing, plunging,
Sideways sinking. Exploring, seeking, searching
Do they sail on sultry sunset waters.
Stars. A light twinkling in the boiling
Blue/black heaven of nights near and far.
Love passes in a lifetime of seconds,
searing in its ferocity and velocity, then
fading as noon to dusk.
Say something he thought, anything, but
the moment is gone. He plunges
Two trembling hands in shallow, empty,
denim pockets. Blue eyes stare,
searching and sad. Flames of
verdant flicker and vanish...
and they are strangers once again,
Leaving him to wonder why it hurts so
Much to lose something he never had.
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