Wednesday, March 16, 2011


is it due to pride or because i am vain? often do i take
credit for the God in me
...and what He has made?
when you tell the story of me don't change my name...
if i can wear the rich royal coat then i can bear the shame.
all this leaning away from love and striving, hiding from hate,
everyday trying to succeed in the least obtrusive way...
how can all of this add up to wealth or even equal fame?
this does not seem like the path to prosperity
            this does not seem to be the way to become great.
i only want help to find what it is that i have missed...
even though i saw the banana's skin on the floor i still slipped
away from what was real into something that might make me feel
like i have not been stripped from all that is holy.
            all that might heal me.

find me and baptize me in Noah's flood
i can't expect God to ignore the fact that i have sinned
the only thing (the holy sing) to clean me is Christ's blood
shed for you and me as He bled for us through bruised and broken skin,
beaten into the dust and crushed by the mob and left dying in the mud.
shine is a verb like wine is a curse, the gypsy's voice lilts and rises again
wishing ill fate for the one who came with a will but came too late.
bodies of sinners and good alike rise with the tide in the flood
of waters thick with silt and splintered wood
                            winding wide through broken gates

the names of these no one now can even guess
how heavy in life their souls or how light their spirits' weight
how to trace the perilous steps back from pilgrim's regress.
tell the story of those with eyes blue, brown, and green
tell the story of those who had lives filled with hectic stress
like ours who waited and waited for what seemed like hours.
tell the story of those who still had faith in the unseen
who once shone with bright flames the color of wild flowers
who will shine again one day, a day closer than it seems,
tell the tale of them and then tell the story of those who
                           fell somewhere in-between.

september 2008

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